Finding Joy in the Holidays


The holidays are upon us. Some have already started playing Christmas music and sipping spiced lattes while gleefully checking off items from their to-do lists. Dancing Santas have been grooving on their window sills since mid-October! However, some are watching the holidays approach with a sense of dread. Their hearts are heavy, not filled with joy. Many will grieve the empty chairs as they gather around their Christmas meals. Although they will take delight in loved ones who are present, they will be filled with sorrow for those who are missing. Traditions are now different. Memories can be painful reminders of what is lost. 


We must be on guard! The enemy wants us worn down and discouraged. He wants us to mourn through the holidays rather than celebrate the joy of the season. This morning I was reading some verses that I believe can help all of us delight, and not despair, in the holidays.


Matthew 11:28. “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

God doesn’t tell us to pretend our burdens don’t exist. He wants us to acknowledge them and to realize that our burdens are too heavy to carry alone. He wants us to come to Him for help. I know of many who are facing some BIG burdens this season. God offers us joy and peace as we anchor ourselves in Him.


1 Peter 5:7. “…casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”

God wants us to cast our burdens to Him believing that He will give us rest for our weary souls. As we do this, we discover that He gives us His strength to not only help us survive the holidays, but to soar despite our heartaches. 


Isaiah 40:29. “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength.”

Do you trust that this promise is true? Do you believe that He cares about your circumstances? He knows what is troubling your souls. He is a personal savior who beckons each one to come to Him. We must believe that His grace is all-sufficient. We need to stop trying to handle our burdens on our own because we will grow weary and faint. Rather, we must be encouraged. He promises power to the faint and renewed strength to the weak. 


Lord, as we enter this holiday season, may we trust that Your promises are true and that You are faithful to them! O come, O come, Emmanuel. And ransom captive Israel.” 


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