All my love, Don

My dad was a humble man. He never wanted to be the center of attention, instead he was the one serving in the background. He was gentle and patient, strong in character, and wise. He worked hard to support his family and invested in lives too many to count. His small group from church referred to him as their angel. Indeed, he was very special! 


My parents were married for nearly 70 years. I have found stacks of cards given throughout their marriage to one another. Dad always signed his cards, “All my love, Don.” These words were not just a salutation my dad used, but a promise he gave. He pledged his full love to my mom. Always and forever. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death. And he kept his promise! 


Dad also fully loved God. He studied the Scriptures. For years he faithfully pastored his Sunday School class at Redwood Chapel and he lived a life of integrity as he sought to live out these truths. He prayed faithfully for his family and friends. He was a man who followed God with devotion and thus, he has left a legacy for us that is priceless. 


I am confident that when he got to heaven he had quite the celebration. He was reunited with our mom, sister Julie, and countless family and friends that were waiting for him. And I have no doubt that Jesus wrapped His arms around him and said, “Well, done.” 



I am so proud to be your daughter. Thank you for the legacy of love and faithfulness that you lived out for us. Thank you for modeling strength through grace and courageous commitment even when life was hard. Thank you for maintaining your humor and gentleness until the very end. I am forever grateful. 


All my love, 


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