Can Our Trials Be Good For Us?

I like taking classes at the local Y and Pilates is one of my favorites. When I first started taking Pilates, I left with every one of my core muscles stretched, worked, and exhausted. It was so challenging! And although these classes can still be pretty tough, I have seen my stamina increase. However, when I miss a few classes, it can sometimes feel like all of my energy and endurance has melted away. It takes lots of commitment to build up our muscles, but left unused, they quickly forget their strength. 


This is true of our faith “muscles” too. They flourish when put into use. The more faith required, the stronger they become. However, the reverse can be true too. Little use and our faith “muscles” can begin to atrophy. 


I think one way our faith can be strengthened is during difficult circumstances. Perhaps this is why Paul could say, “I am content in my hardships…for when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10). It’s not that Paul embraced his difficulties like a cherished friend. After all, he had prayed for his difficulties to be taken away, but God didn’t remove them. I find it interesting that another word we could substitute for content is peace. Because Paul trusted God, he could experience God’s peace even in the midst of his struggles. (Philippians 4:6 – 7). I believe that our level of peace is deeply connected to our level of trust in God.


Sometimes we long for our troubles to end so we can finally experience the blessings we think God has for us. But what if we had faith that God is using all of our circumstances, the good as well as those that stress us out, to bring about His best blessings for us? Perhaps our difficult circumstances are tools that God uses to strengthen our faith and to prepare our hearts for all that He wants to do in and through us. After all, when we are totally worn down and have no strength left in ourselves, we are forced to lean on Him. This is when we know that He is our whole trust and delight.


I was recently reminded of how silver is refined. The silversmith heats the silver and removes any impurities as they rise to the surface. This process is repeated until the silversmith sees his reflection shining in the silver. I am trusting that God is using the heat of the trials in my life to refine me so that His reflection might be seen in me. 


Teach me, LORD, the blessings You have for me right smack dab in the middle of my messy, complicated life. Use the hurdles I am facing to reveal in me a strong and steadfast faith that flourishes because of the heat until Your reflection is seen in me. 


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