Get Your Feet Wet

Full obedience Joshua 3

I just read again the account of Israel crossing the Jordan (Joshua 3). They had to step into the water before it would open for them. It required faith, BIG faith!

The thought came to mind that partial obedience doesn’t cut it! They could have stood at the water’s edge ready to go–waiting for the Jordan to separate–but that’s not what God required of them. He wanted them to get their feet wet!

God told them to get ready! (v. 3) They were to prepare their hearts and anticipate that He would do something great! They were told to make sure they had God’s blessing with them. (v. 10 – 11)  And they were to step into the water. (v. 13 – 17)

I think we sometimes miss God’s blessing because we wait for all the obstacles to be removed before we step out in obedience. But we can’t let difficulties become excuses for disobedience. If God requires us to do something, He will make a way!

Lord, have I been waiting at the water’s edge thinking I was doing all that You asked of me? We have been waiting a long time for You to rescue us from this difficult season. Are You asking us to do something right now?

We are ready! Our eyes are on You! Prepare our hearts to see the great things You will do. Fill us with the joy of anticipation! May our hearts be filled with grace and forgiveness, ready to embrace whatever You have in store for us.

May we seek to honor You in every step we take, in every word we speak. May we look for the blessings You have for us each day as we step out in faith.

We have a raging river before us, Lord. “We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12). We are willing to get our feet wet. We’re willing to dive into the deep waters if that is what You require. Direct our steps and may we have hearts eager to obey.

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