God Has Night Vision

Remember the TV show 24? Our family used to gather together each week to watch the latest episode together. Inevitably, there was a scene that took place in the middle of the night. No worries, though. Jack Bauer and his counterterrorism crew, always had night vision surveillance cameras available wherever they went. These cameras enabled them to see suspects in even the darkest, most remote places. 


Sometimes we find ourselves in dark seasons. When we feel overwhelmed and uncertain, we need to remember God has night vision. And not the blurry, reddish view you see in action movies! He sees clearly. Psalm 139 tells us that the darkness is as light to Him. We may be overwhelmed by the night, but He is not. We may not know what to do, but He knows! He is with us in the darkest night. He holds our hand and gently leads us. 


One of my favorite verses is found in this Psalm. “You hem me in, behind and before, and lay Your hand upon me.” (Psalm 139: 5) This verse is a promise that wraps itself around me and reassures me of God’s promise to be with me in the night. And embedded in this verse are promises that give me peace no matter how dark the night. 


Promise 1: God hems me in. The darkness makes me feel vulnerable and afraid. He encircles me. He does not abandon me or leave me to my own devices. I need to remind myself who God is. My almighty, all-knowing, totally capable God is with me! He hems me in and keeps unwanted trespassers out! 


Promise 2: God goes before me. I don’t know what future steps may be required of me, but God does! Deuteronomy 31:8 reads, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”  When I am feeling insecure and confused, I can trust my God who is with me and knows the way. He is not blinded or limited by the dark. He sees perfectly the path laid out before me.


Promise 3: He also goes behind me. He protects me from sneaky, back-door attacks. The devil prowls around looking for opportunities to wipe believers out. A surprise rear attack could be just the opportunity he hopes to find. I think God also goes behind me to keep me moving along so I don’t become stagnant in my doubts and fears or take a different path when difficulties arise.


Promise 4: God’s hand is upon us. I don’t think this is just calling attention to the blessings we receive from the hand of God. I think it also refers to the display of His power in our lives. No obstacle is too big nor wilderness too dry. He can always make a way (Isaiah 43:19). My hope is that when people see me, they will know God is active and powerful in my life and that the night has not overwhelmed Him. After all, He has night vision! 


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