God’s Wraparound Presence

Psalm 46: 1 – 3 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its water roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Selah


The opening verse in Psalm 46 is most likely familiar to anyone who has faced trying times. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (v1 ESV) This verse is often quoted, but I wonder how often we put it into practice. 


Notice this verse says that God is our refuge and strength, not God and something or someone else. Psalm 91:2 continues this thought– “This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.” (v2 NLT). Where do we turn when we need help? Do we find our strength and wisdom in what the world has to offer or do we make God alone our boast? (Psalm 20:7). 


It’s easy to feel the crushing weight of pain and disappointment when crises abound. If left unchecked fear can rise and mess with our faith. But “God is a proven help in times of trouble–more than enough and always available whenever we need Him!” (Psalm 46:1 TPT). Psalm 16: 8 says, “Because I set You always close to me, my confidence will never be weakened, for I experience Your wraparound presence every moment.” (TPT)


Wraparound presence–don’t you just love that imagery? He hems us in (Psalm 139: 5). We cannot escape Him (Psalm 139: 7). No matter what is happening we are secure in Him (Romans 8: 38 – 39). His help is greater than any crisis (Psalm 46: 2 – 3). He satisfies our lack and firms up our faith. He calms our souls and overwhelms us with delight (Psalm 94:19). 


Following these verses in Psalm 46 is the word Selah. I think we too often glaze right over this word but it is an instruction that we should practice. It means to pause and give careful thought to what has just been said. We should pause after reading these verses in Psalm 46 and breathe them in. When trials come, do we pause and think about God? Do we remind ourselves that He alone is our strength and help or do we react with hasty words and hurried reactions? Do we run to others for help or do we pray and rest in His promises? We can take confidence that this mighty, powerful God is present with us and that He alone can bring calm in the middle of chaos.  


John Wesley is quoted as saying, “The best of all is, God with us!” Do we believe this? No matter what we may face, we have Him! We are tucked safely underneath His wing. His faithfulness is a shield about us (Psalm 91:4). His presence wraps around us. What a promise! Selah! Think about that!

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