His Grace is Enough

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”  (2 Corinthians 12:9). This is a verse we quote often to one another when difficulties arise. We encourage each other to tap into God’s strength. And when things come fairly easily, we might even point a finger up to the sky and say, “We’re a team!  I did it with God’s help!” 


But what about the times when our weaknesses stay weak? Or our longings still yearn for better? Being a Christian doesn’t mean we will always feel strong or get what we want. Even Paul asked God three times for his “thorn” to be removed, yet God let it remain. 


However, Paul didn’t use his thorn as an excuse to be anything different than what God had called him to be. His thorn didn’t give him an automatic pass on doing what God called him to do. He still lived a life obedient to Christ.  


It’s tempting when we’re disappointed with the circumstances God allows to linger in our lives to make excuses and perhaps even compromise our convictions in order to ease our suffering. However, when this happens, God gives us some pretty stellar examples to consider.


Job was described as blameless and upright; a man who feared God. Yet he lost everything. Did he use his tragic circumstances as an excuse to wallow in self-pity or change his view of God? No, he stayed committed to hope. He remained totally surrendered. He used his opportunity to wallow to worship instead. “Though you slay me, yet I will hope in You,” (Job 13:15). No matter what, he was committed to keep trusting God. 


I wonder if we have allowed any circumstances to change our view of God? Have we adjusted any of our beliefs because we think our circumstances are too much to bear?  


Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego refused to compromise their faith and bow down to an idol even though a fiery furnace was most likely in their future. They knew their God! They believed in His ability to save them and refused to turn their backs on Him or to think less of Him even if He didn’t bring about the happily-ever-after they most likely were hoping would happen. 


I wonder what “if-onlys” we might be holding close. Can we honestly say that even if the worst-case-scenario happens, the thing that we surely would not be able to survive without, our view of God would remain the same? Or would we doubt God?


Daniel’s faithful obedience had an impact on others. He continued to openly pray and worship God even though a lion’s den was a potential consequence. In the end, God rescued him from harm and the king recognized God as the One who “works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth” (Daniel 6:27).


How can we develop relentless faith like this? 


When circumstances turn for the worse, we must draw a line in the sand and refuse to compromise what we know to be true! No matter what, God is still good.He is still faithful. He is always in control. 


When we don’t know what to do, we must put our full assurance in God and lean into Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). Our feelings will often deceive us. Thus, we must rest on the never-changing Word of God to help us stand strong. 


When we are afraid, we can exchange our panic for peace (Philippians 4:6) and ask God for wisdom (James 1:5). And then we must anticipate that He will direct our steps. “God will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. And whether you walk to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you, ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:19, 21).


Lord, I believe Your grace is more than my lack. No matter how dangerous or desperate our circumstances become, I trust That You are present and that Your strength truly is demonstrated in my need. 

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