It is Well


It is well with my soul because He is there.

Got trials?

Who doesn’t? Sure, some seasons seem serendipitously blessed, but we all know that if we aren’t facing something trying, or difficult, in our lives at the moment, it will soon come. And sometimes these difficult circumstances seem too much for us to bear.


How do you survive the trials with grace and wisdom? How did Horatio Gates Spafford pen the words, “It is well with my soul,” after the tragic loss of his four daughters? It is well with my soul. Words easy to say during mostly idyllic circumstances, but not so easy when tough times come rolling in. I believe you can really only know this is true when circumstances cry out it is NOT well, while your heart beats surrender and trust in God.


It is well with my soul doesn’t necessarily mean that you like what is happening, but that despite difficult circumstances you choose to trust in a God who is trustworthy. Believing He is working to make all things good.


It is well with my soul–I surrender to His will. He is wise, sovereign, and good! I choose to trust Him!


It is well because no matter what is going on around me, no fear, no heartbreak, nothing can separate me from Jesus. He is my peace–deep in the quiet of my soul. He is my joy that refuses to be silenced. He is my hope that perseveres and dismisses all urges to give up. Yes, it is well with my soul because He is there.


It is well with my soul because I believe He is working IN and THROUGH me.


It is well with my soul because I trust His sovereignty. He is in control. He directs. He already knows the end of the story.


It is well with my soul because He fills my lack, He restores my joy, He showers blessings upon my wounds that need healing.


It is well with my soul because I trust that He knows best! That He has good for me! That any day now He will bring what my soul needs.


I am choosing to trust Him! And therefore, it is well with my soul.


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