Meant For Good

It is easy to maintain the sovereignty and goodness of God when life is happy and carefree, but what about when the not-so-welcomed things come into our lives? Do we still believe that God is over all things?

I think of Joseph who was hated and mistreated by his brothers. They sold him into slavery, and he endured years in prison due to false accusations. Not an easy life for sure! It would be easy to hold a grudge, but years later, when he came face to face with his brothers, the very ones who started the big, bad ball rolling, he offered forgiveness. He said, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20).

How was he able to escape the grip of bitterness and the consuming desire to offer payback for all the hardship they had caused him? I think it is because even though Joseph didn’t understand the painful circumstances he endured, he chose to trust God through them. Joseph’s view of God was the same in all circumstances, not just in the good!

I think of the trials I face in my own life. Do I believe that God is working all things together for good? Am I convinced that He has a plan for me that nothing or no one can prevent from happening? Do I believe He is good in all of my circumstances?

God isn’t caught off guard. He doesn’t make mistakes. He is in control and He uses difficulties to refine us and to bring blessings. Trials are opportunities for growth–to better understand God’s love and grace; to experience firsthand His compassion and tenderness.

There are things in my life that I don’t understand, but I will live by the promise of Romans 8:28, believing and trusting in the goodness and sovereignty of God; and believing and trusting that one of His specialties is making the impossible happen! (Isaiah 46:10)

I believe Joseph’s words to be true, even when circumstances don’t end in what I deem good. No matter how absurd or irrational the circumstances may seem, God is in control and means it for good, and therefore, I am choosing to put my trust in Him!

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