

More is addictive.


Just five more minutes! Just one more task! Only one more dessert! Just a few more clothes to cram into an already overfilled closet. Just five more pounds to lose! I’ll give it just one more try!


More can easily become a lifestyle. More can also become an identity. I need more! What I have, or what I am, isn’t enough! It leads to discontent. If only I had more! More! More! More!


I’ve come to realize that wanting more can be okay, if it’s more of the right thing.


We should pursue more rest, more peace, more love. Stopping the hurriedness of a too busy life to enjoy more of the present moment. We need more cherished relationships and more celebrations that make us smile! We can get too busy and too attached to our technology and “to-do lists” that we miss out on the precious gifts scattered throughout our day.


What if it’s not about getting everything checked off of our lists or getting just one more thing accomplished? What if we lived as if the experiences and people along the way were just as important as where we hope to end up at the end of the day?


Instead of always desiring and chasing after more, what if we paused more often to connect with an old friend in the middle of an overwhelming day?


What if we took more opportunities to sit along the shore just to listen to the steady crash of the waves, and to soak in the sights and smells of the ocean?


What if we chose to breathe deeply during chaos or misunderstandings to notice the good things that often lie hidden just beneath the surface? To take pause and ponder what God wants to offer or teach us. I have discovered that there are blessings buried in life’s difficulties waiting to be discovered.


I want to be characterized as one who chases after more of the right things! I want to pursue the more that is offered in each moment, the extraordinary that is present in the everyday ordinary, just waiting to be discovered. I want to value the journey and the people and lessons along the way as much as I value the final destination. And thus, with a grateful heart, I will choose to live in the joy and contentment of more!

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