My Zone Face

I like to go to the Y after work. It gives me a chance to burn off the stress of an overwhelming day and it lets me connect with my friends. It also gives me opportunity to think. The other night my pilates instructor said I had my “zone face” on, ready to tackle the toughest of moves. Little does she know that my “zone face” is really my “zone out” face–I somehow am able to follow her directions, but I am mentally a million miles away, deep in thought, contemplating the issues pressing in on me.

Well, the other night, my friends didn’t show up at the Y, and there was no pilates class either, so I found myself off to the side of the track doing my own personal workout. And that’s where I was when I noticed a light hearted young boy running on the track, completely oblivious that he was going the wrong way.

Well, the Y was pretty busy. People were crowded on the track, some walking, some running, and some pushing strollers. It was a sea of movement. Then I saw this little boy, with a huge happy smile on his face running as if he had springs attached to his feet. He had no clue that he was running in the wrong direction and that people were having to step out of his way. He was just running with his happy “zone face” on!

I chuckled to myself, “He doesn’t even notice he’s going the wrong way! I wonder if he might even be so “zoned out” that he wonders why everyone else is running in the wrong direction?” Then I heard a man’s voice yell his name several times. The boy kept running. Then the man reached out and stopped him by wrapping his arms around him. He pointed to the others on the track and said, “Look! You are going the wrong way! You need to run in the opposite direction!” The boy looked, shrugged his shoulders, and took off running in the right direction, just as carefree as he had been before. He seemed just as happy. He didn’t appear to be embarrassed at all. He just kept running.

I think there just may be a life lesson, or two, here. Sometimes we can be so into “the zone” that we forge ahead without even noticing that we have started running in the wrong direction. When this happens, God calls to us. Isaiah 30:21 says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Sometimes we hear His voice and change our behavior. Other times, we are so in “the zone” that He needs to grab ahold of us and point out the obvious!

I love how the little boy didn’t let discouragement settle when he was stopped and redirected. He was totally fine with it. He just changed his direction and kept on running! I hope to be like this! When God points out that I am going the wrong way, I hope that I can just change my direction and keep my smile, my joy, my “Zone face!”

Lord, shine your light down upon my path. May I be aware and intentional about the direction I run, and may I be quick to obey if You point out that I am moving in the wrong direction. May I not get weighed down with shame or discouragement, but just keep on running the course you have set before me.

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