New Legs

Have you ever struggled with expectations? What exactly is acceptable when asking God to satisfy our needs and heart’s desires? How much is too much? How much is not enough? 

I am reminded of the story of the lame beggar in the book of Acts. He was dependent on others to carry him to the temple gate everyday so that he could beg a few coins from passersby. He had a very real need. I’m sure his heart longed for something more, but each day he just asked for enough to get by. And this is where he was when he encountered Peter and John as they were making their way to the temple to pray. He asked for coins to buy his next meal, but he got way more than he could ever have imagined! 

I think that if Peter and John had only given him what he was asking for, he would have been content, but God wanted to satisfy him with so much more! His entire life was changed! No longer would he have to depend on others to carry him to the gate in order to beg for his most basic needs. God did something extraordinary, something entirely unexpected! The man asked for some coins, but received the ability to walk.

This makes me pause to think. What do I expect from God? Am I too quick to settle for much less than all that God wants to give me? Do I let low expectations cheat me from greater blessings? When I pray, do I expect that God will answer and that He longs to be gracious and compassionate with me? Do I truly believe that He can do exceedingly more than I could ever hope or imagine?

Acts tells us that the first thing this newly healed man did was to walk with Peter and John into the temple. He didn’t run away to show off his new legs to his friends. No, he wanted to praise God. I think that after experiencing God’s power through Peter and John, he wanted to know and praise God too! Perhaps he realized that there might be even more in store for him in this blessing. 

I think this story isn’t just about a new pair of legs, but a new heart too! Our hearts matter! The ultimate blessing, the greatest miracle, is a changed heart. The greatest need we have is a heart right with God. Do we seek only the blessing of a physical need met or do we seek the Giver of the blessing too? Do we desire a heart that intimately knows God and is yielded to Him? 

I also think this story demonstrates the impact that our faith can have on others. Peter was able to help the lame beggar because he had faith and was therefore able to influence others for God. I think it’s important to note that we cannot give to others what we don’t possess ourselves. How much time do we spend deepening our faith? Peter’s faith influenced others. The lame man received a transformed life. I’m sure others noticed and were amazed. And I can’t help but think that they joined in the praise and celebration too! 

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