Signs of Spring

We have the hope of Easter

I love the fresh signs of Spring. The purple crocus that dare poke their heads above the ground even though it is too early to guarantee that warm, sunny weather will be here to stay. The daffodils that seem to smile at passersby saying, “Look at me! spring is here! Aren’t you happy?” The tulips that stand straight and majestic, reaching tall for the sun. The bare winter sticks that suddenly have green leaves and tiny buds dressing them for the occasion. Spring is so colorful, so full of joy, so expectant.

Despite all the beautiful colors Spring displays, probably my most favorite sign of spring is the singing of the birds. Most mornings I get up before the sun and make my way into the kitchen to start the morning coffee. As I reach the kitchen window, I hear the cheerful notes of the birds’ song welcoming the new day. What amazes me is that they are singing so happy even before the new day starts. They are expectant. And they are happy in that expectation. They don’t sit around and wait for the sun to rise before they start singing. They sing knowing the sun will rise.

I think that there is a lesson to be learned from the birds.

Our lives are filled with seasons. We don’t only get to experience the colors of Springtime. Everyone experiences the cold gray of winter too. Sometimes the winters seem long. Sometimes they seem too much to endure. But Spring is coming! That is the expectation that should fill our hearts with hope! Winter will not last forever!

I love the quote, “Do not abandon yourself to despair. For we are the Easter people and hallelujahs are our song!”  The Easter people! We have the power of the resurrection living in us! We need not let the gloom of winter overtake us and cause us to despair! We have the hope of Easter! The crocus, the daffodils, the tulips, the fresh new leaves and buds all proclaim the hope of Easter, the confident expectation that Spring is coming!

So even in the dark of night, the birds sing knowing the sun will rise soon. Even in dark seasons of my life, I can remain hopeful, knowing that my God is faithful and I will experience Spring again! Hallelujah!

Lord, fill my heart with hope. Overwhelm me with gratefulness for the springtime. Grant me patience during winter, and give me a strong faith that looks expectantly for signs of spring.

                                                                                  (quote from Pope John Paul II)
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