Thorns or Grace?

I think sometimes we go about life thinking that if we’re good people, then all will go pretty well. You know, like living in a beautiful garden of roses. Unfortunately, roses have thorns and sometimes there seems to be way more thorns than any roses filling our days. Thorns hurt! Why does God allow them?


I believe that God uses the thorns in our lives to grow us. Our faith has the opportunity to appear strongest when we walk through trials. Our love can show brightest in the darkness. Our hope has the potential to be truly discovered and intensified during times of adversity. Afterall, how can one truly know if you have these unless you have had to cling to them and exercise them during times of deepest challenge?


Think about it–the light from a candle doesn’t seem to offer much light outside on a sunny afternoon, but when darkness falls, that same candle gives off bright light and invites you to draw near.


Our light can shine during trials. Our faith can become firmly established on the promises of God and our love more generous and steadfast. Our hope can become anchored to the very heart of God. This is grace! This is what we grab onto with both hands and refuse to let go. (Hebrews 6:19).


God speaks to us in the darkness. We learn from Him as He draws us close. But what He teaches us is not for us alone. It is meant to be shared. He helps us in all our troubles so that we can help others (2 Corinthians 1:4). We must share our stories of faith tested, but secured; of love challenged, but endured; of hope pressed in upon, but strengthened, so that others may be encouraged as they encounter thorns too.


Although they prick and hurt, sometimes the thorns are grace. “Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5). Do we trust God with the thorns in our lives, and wait expectantly for the good He will accomplish with them?


Sometimes it is our hope shining in the darkness that God uses to ignite hope in others. God uses our stories. He uses our thorns. Grab onto hope today and wait to see what God will do!

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