Trusting God Through Suffering

When my kids were growing up, I used to tell them that there were blessings to obedience. I still believe this to be true. However, I have learned that this isn’t the only scenario that plays out in life. Sometimes, even though someone is striving to do things right, really bad things can swarm in and ignore any semblance of rightness. Such was the case with Job.


We are told in the opening verses of Job’s story, that he was righteous and blameless. Job feared God and lived his life accordingly. So it stands to reason that blessings should fall abundantly upon him, right? And they did. Until they didn’t. 


All of a sudden, this obedient man who feared God is stripped of everything precious and of value to him. He loses his livestock, sheep, camels, servants, and most horrifically, his children. Such devastating loss! And what does Job do? He mourns. Who wouldn’t? How could you not? But he also worships God right in the middle of his suffering. 


Job’s anguish didn’t cause him to give up on his faith or to question the character of God. Even when his health is threatened, Job never blames God. But he is honest with Him. He doesn’t pretend that all is still well. He talks of his pain and confusion. His groans are audible as he expresses his disappointment and hurt. But he doesn’t stay stuck in these emotions. He offers them to God as a form of worship. 


I think this is a dimension of worship that is too often ignored today. We are told to cast our cares upon the Lord. For me, this has been more of a letting go. I’ll stop stressing out and give Him my box of worries so they don’t have to upset me any longer. But is this worship? I’m not so sure this is even the true intention of this exhortation. 


I believe we worship God when we honestly say, “I’m in pain! I am suffering! But I will keep my eyes on You! I won’t let go of You! I will keep praying and worshiping, even when it seems You don’t answer. Here’s my confusion. Here’s my disappointments. Here’s my groanings and pain. I give them to You. And even though I still have my pain and I don’t understand why You are allowing this suffering, I will continue to worship.” 


Job worshiped as he wrestled though his emotions. I believe this is what led him to know God more intimately. He lost just about everything, but realized that God was still worthy of his obedience. 


And as we are honest before God and surrender our ideas of what our blessed life should look like, He blesses us by giving us exactly what our souls need, the right amount and at just the right time. 

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