What Makes a Hero?

There is a little bit of hero in each of us hoping to get out!


I have been reading the book “Unbroken”–the life of Louis Zamperini. It is fascinating! I find myself cringing as I read about the horrible (which is truly an understatement!) treatment he, and others, endured as a POW in Japan. What is in some men that allows them to treat others with such ferocious hostility and abuse? What is in some men that they can endure such horrendous treatment? Oh the depravity of man! Oh the resilience of the human spirit!

People have called Louis Zamperini a hero. I agree! But while running yesterday, I was thinking about that title. What exactly made Louis Zamperini a hero? What is a hero?

He was an amazingly fast runner with a passionate spirit! Hero!

He joined the airforce to serve our country during the war. Hero!

He bravely went out in search of lost men in a sketchy at best plane. Hero!                               

He survived a deadly plane crash. Hero!

He took charge and helped care for two other men lost at sea for 47 days. Hero!

He survived being a POW and targeted abuse from the Bird. Hero!

But there is a part in the book that stands out to me as being truly heroic. Louis is very ill, abused, frightened, starving literally to death when an old friend is brought to his POW camp who is in worse physical shape than Louis. What does he do? He shares his rations even though he admits this was extremely difficult to do. He was, after all, starving and ill himself. Wow! Hero!!


This has made me think about what we call heroes today. For sure, those who selflessly jump onto train tracks in order to pull to safety someone who has fallen in harm’s way is a hero. Absolutely, someone who tackles a crazed shooter to save the lives of fellow students is a hero. But it isn’t just the “big acts” that constitute being a hero. I believe heroic acts are all around us–or at least the opportunity for acting heroically.

Being kind to a slow checker at the store. Heroic!

Doing the mundane tasks of each day with a smile and positive attitude. Heroic!

Teaching a bible study and investing in the lives of men struggling with addictions. Heroic!

Being faithful and trustworthy. Heroic!

Taking care of little ones, raising them by example to love Jesus and to serve others. Heroic!

Putting a guard over our mouths so that our words lift up instead of discourage those who hear them. Heroic.

Offering forgiveness and grace instead of reminders of past wrongs. Heroic!

Choosing daily to treat others as more important than ourselves. Heroic!


I could keep writing examples. But I guess the point I am trying to make is that we each have the opportunity to act heroically. I think there is a little bit of hero in each of us hoping to be let out. And once it does? I think it becomes easier to act heroically again…and again…and again.


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